Ponies, flowers and chocolate

(Marshall enters room smiling)

Marshall: Hey Uncle Serge

Serge: Uncle Serge is a lil tired. Long day at work today……
Why are you all smiley today?

Marshall: Nothing…

Serge: You know Uncle Serge sees right through you

Marshall: How do you do that?

Serge: When you get to my age, you’ll have learnt a couple of tricks, one being seing through your 8 year old nephew

Marshall: Lynn sat next to me in class today…..
The teacher made us sit together….

Serge: Your day must have been awesome

Marshall: Mostly, but I don’t really get her

Serge: What exactly don’t you get about her?

Marshall: She’s cute and all, but she only wants to talk about ponies and flowers…..

Serge: Then you talk about ponies and flowers

Marshall: What do I know about ponies and flowers:……….
You know about ponies and flowers right?

Serge: This is going to be difficult

Marshall: Why?

Serge: Because Uncle Serge knows nothing about ponies and flowers. He however knows a little trick that you can use, it’s called nodding your head and acting like he knows……

Marshall: You totally lost me there

Serge: Where do we start?…….
Tell me what she told you

Marshall: Something about how her dad bought her a pony:…..
She calls her Clare:…..

Serge: And?

Marshall: Something about flowers…….
I think she said something about water lilies

Serge: You didn’t hear much, now did you?

Marshall: Not really, and now she’s mad because apparently, ”I don’t listen to her”

Serge: You are in some deep trouble kid

Marshall: I know:……
Now, how do I wiggle out of this?

Serge: She already has a pony…..

(both laughing)

Serge: You’ll never go wrong with flowers and chocolate, she said something about water lilies right?

Marshall: Yeah, and I think she likes fudge too….

Serge: Now you are learning.

Marshall: What do I tell her when I see her?

Serge: Men don’t say much about what they feel, they show it. You treat her well and speak only when spoken to.

Marshall: Why?

Serge: Whenever we talk to women, we condemn ourselves with our own words and women will use it against us all the time. You buy her the flowers, chocolate and promise to listen to her.

Marshall: Talk less, listen more and buy chocolate and flowers…..

Serge: And that’s the lesson of the day

About Sergent

Simple, plain simple View all posts by Sergent

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